internet kiosks internet kiosks internet kiosks internet kiosks internet kiosks web kiosks web kiosks web kiosks web kiosks web kiosks kiosk software kiosk software kiosk software kiosk software multimedia touch screen kiosks multimedia touch screen kiosks multimedia touch screen kiosks cbt interactive computer based training cbt interactive computer based training cbt interactive computer based training cbt interactive computer based training kiosk-in-a-box kiosk in a box web kiosk commander interactive kiosks interactive promotions advertising web development shockwave development java development multimedia kiosks multimedia cbt multimedia computer based training |
This section of the course contains the following:
![]() Before actually creating the application, use your storyboard and/or content description form to figure out not only who does what, including what can be accomplished in-house, and what may need to be created via a third party. There is absolutely nothing wrong with creating the entire kiosk in-house! The available tools are not only user-friendly, but surprising results can be achieved even by the non-expert. However, remember to consider your target audience and make the appropriate adjustments when necessary. When creating digital media (graphics, audio and/or video), use industry standard tools. If you use a third party for certain components, be sure that the party{ies} provide you with the "source" for the document. For example, if a third party graphics shop is supplying you with the graphic components, require them to also include the PhotoShop documents (or other such "source"). Similarly, if a 3D video rendering of your logo is generated, require the "source" for this as well. If possible, also request the media to be delivered in "fat" and "skinny" format{s} (graphics: full / reduced color, sound: CD / telephone, video: size / compression variances).
Be familiar with graphic design and color. Understand that a picture is indeed worth a 1000 words. Maintain an consistent interface and reduce "noise". Remember to target your audience.
Two of the best locations for kiosk related stuff:
These are the products and Rocky Mountain Multimedia likes to use:
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